Boracay Activities

Nightlife in Boracay Island

Dining - nightlife Boracay

Most popular nightlife on Boracay Island takes place along “white beach”. When it’s getting towards sunset, lots of people migrate to “white beach” to observe one of the most spectacular sunsets on Boracay Island. Nightlife in Boracay starts after that in all it's variations. From dining in all kinds of different restaurants - to bars, shows, discos and great entertainment. There are just great things to do all night long.

If you like to get away from dining on the beach and fall right into real Asian food market atmosphere, you should really visit D’Talipapa.

Basically it is a fish market. But you can find anything there from meat to chicken, from vegetables and fruit to drinks.

Bargaining is a must. As compared to market prices on the mainland, it is still fairly expensive there.

The atmosphere is outrageous. It is by far the cheapest way to get fresh fish. The way to go: You buy whatever you need to make a good dinner on the market. The place is surrounded by restaurants that will cook, frie or grill whatever you just freshly bought. For fairly little money. You can order rice and drinks in the restaurants and they will charge you for that plus the “frying service”.

What an adventure, what a great great atmosphere. Plus – if you stay in Boracay for longer, this is a grat way to household with a limited budget.

D’ Talipapa is in the middle of Boracay. Not too far away from the shopping street D’mall. You can get there from both – the main road as well as from the beach.

Sunset sailing

Sunset sailing before nightlife
Start your Boracay nightlife by sunset sailing

If you want to be, right where it’s happening, you can rent / charter a sailboat sunset sailing. This is probably the most romantic way to enjoy the setting sun on Boracay.
As the sun is setting, lots of restaurants on long beach prepare their dinners. Mostly you pay one price for “all you can eat”. The restaurants along the beach mostly have a stage with music performances in the background.
Some of the performing artists just “blow you away”. Filipinos are known as real good cover musicians.
Here and there you can watch streetperformers – mostly jugglers with fire or some musicians.

You can get a massage right on the beach, have a drink in one of uncounted Bars, listen to music, buy a souvenier at one of the streetvendors alongside the beach. Nightlife on Boracay in lots of interesting variations.

Boracay nightlife – disco - dancing, Girls, & music

Nighlife Boracay - Disco, Bars, dancing

At some point in the night – around eleven o clock -  it gets louder and the audience on long beach changes. The beachwalk gets qieter than.
The older people will kick back at the hotel bar, it’s time for the younger crowd.
It gets louder? At some disco places on the beach it gets so loud, that you can’t hear a spoken word anymore. If you get drunk enough and just want do dance and don’t want to do any other communication – probably it’s ok. The bang bang you can still hear on the mainland. Just to give you an idea – of what we call loud.

You will find plenty of Discos and Bars alongside the main road paralell to “white beach”.
Lots of drinking, loud disco music and who goes out to meet a woman, girl, boy or a man – will find them there.

You should watch out. Some very pretty girl that’s giving you the eye, could turn out to be a lady-boy. What ever kind of adventure you would expect to fall into – this could be an awakening with a surprise.
So - if you're looking for girls, watch out. watch out in any way. there's lots of cheating, stealing and taking advantage of the money you may have. Don't believe storys of "mother in hospital", house just burned down etc. You'll loose.


Sailboat booking

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Boracay Activities